guide bonnes pratiques géothermie profonde et sismicité version anglaiseProduced jointly by the French Geological Survey (BRGM) and the National Institute for Industrial Environment and Risks (INERIS) as part of their mission to support public authorities, and published in 2023 in its french version, this guide, intended to reflect the state of the art, is addressed to deep geothermal energy professionals. 

It can also provide information to all stakeholders (associations, residents, authorities including Regional Directorates for Environment, Development and Housing, etc.) on seismic risks and the means of preventing them.

This guide covers different types of geothermal reservoirs and methods of exploitation operating in continental France and overseas Departments and Territories. It is based on feedback from many projects in France and abroad, and on the current state of scientific knowledge in the field of seismicity induced by the deep underground fluid injection.

It proposes a method for evaluating induced seismicity hazard and a strategy for hazard revision at each key phase of development of a geothermal project. Based on factual data and criteria, this approach allows to adapt the exploitation method and the tools for seismicity prevention and management to the project and its development.

This guide also contains recommendations concerning essential data to be acquired at each step of the project in order to optimally anticipate the hydromechanical behavior of the reservoir during operations and to design and manage a microseismic monitoring network when the hazard level requires it. It also gives the basic concepts for determining operating protocols for conducting and managing operations depending on the technologies used and the microseismicity detected.

The purpose of opinions, recommendations, and suggestions is to advise project operators. As a result, the responsibility of the authors and reviewers of this guide shall not replace that of operators, who are the only parties responsible for their interpretations based on this document.

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