Good practice guide for lessons learned from deep geothermal drilling
The BRGM was commissioned to produce a "good practice" guide for deep geothermal drilling in the Île-de-France region, on behalf of the Comité Technique Géothermie sur Aquifères Profonds (CT-GAP - Technical Committee on Deep Aquifer Geothermal Energy), which brings together the organisations involved in the development of deep aquifer geothermal energy (ADEME, AFPG, AGEMO, BRGM, DRIEE, SAF-Environnement, SNCU).
The purpose of this guide (English version) published by BRGM and ADEME in 2019 is to provide project owners and project managers with recommendations when carrying out deep geothermal drilling.
It is based on lessons learned from the drilling carried out in the Dogger and Albien/Néocomien aquifers, as well as from the rehabilitation work carried out since the resumption of geothermal drilling in the Paris Basin in 2007.
This guide currently includes 22 fact sheets divided into 9 categories (Reminders of best practices and surface area, Drilling, Casings, Cementing, Deviation, Completion, Loggings, Development and testing, Operation).
Download october 2021 update of the guide and its 22 factsheets
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